Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision is a vital and necessary space for therapy professionals to reflect on their work, to grow their therapeutic skills and develop their practice in an emotionally safe and supportive environment. The bedrock of effective clinical supervision is a strong working alliance between the supervisor and supervisee, focussed case management, client welfare, therapist self-care, education, collaboration and goal alignment. Together, we focus on your needs as a supervisee and the needs of your client in a confidential, emotionally and professionally supportive relationship.

Investing in Clinical Supervision is a transformative experience. Supervision represents a second pair of eyes oriented to safeguarding you and your work with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for your clients.

Whether you are a student in placement, a pre-accredited therapist, in private practice or working in an agency context, we offer in-person and online clinical supervision tailored to your specific needs and context.

If you are interested in Clinical Supervision, why not drop us a line using the enquiry form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Quote of the month

#Quotes, #Inspirational, #2024, #Mental Health, #Emotional Healing A colleague during a supervision group meeting held last week brought the group to a halt, with a quote she had heard recently. I paraphrase it here for you to consider... You best heal your emotional...

The tyranny of the ‘should’

#Tyrannyoftheshould, #Therapy, #should, #ought, #must The tyranny of the 'should' The quite arresting image to accompany this blog post stirs strong feelings in the viewer. The shadowy figure in the background points their finger at the camera in an almost accusatory...

Giving feedback to your therapist

#Feedback, #Therapy, #TherapyOutcomes Do you ever wonder about breaking up with your therapist? It is inevitable that at some point, especially in long-term therapy, the work can become stuck, stagnant or have reached the end of what's available in that relationship....

Inside a therapist’s heart

#Therapists, #ProcessWork, #Compassion A colleague recently posted this image to an online group of therapists and I thought I would share it on our blog here. I think it really captures a lot about what the therapeutic relationship is and how it differs from other...

Valentines Week 2024

#Wisdom, #Valentines, #Quotes The constant challenge of modern relationships: how to prove more interesting than the other's smartphone. [Alain de Botton] I love this quote because it captures something at the core of our modern experience of relationship....

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